No! The Committee are volunteers and give up their free time willingly to help run the club as seemlessly as possible, while ensuring all players get the most enjoyment possible out of the season. We are however always welcoming any new people who may be willing to assist where necessary or available.
The Committee are subject to a nomination process, and where there are multiple nominees, the nominees are voted on at the Annual General Meeting. Otherwise in the case of a single nominee for a position, that person is inducted at the AGM. The AGM is generally in October each year.
Generally commences late March or early April, and finishes in August. Finish dates will depend on what age group and therefore whether there will be potential to play in Semi Finals and Grand Finals etc.
Registration is generally open the 1st week of January, and will close towards the end of February in most cases. Where team numbers are completed in age divisions early, registrations may be closed prior once this applies.
Age Coordinators will likely email the parent group from a previous year once registrations are open, advising same. If you had not played in the previous year, you may have dropped off our mailing list. It is also a great idea to like and regularly check our social media and website for the latest information.
WHFC will communicate via multiple channels the ground status. If there is ground closures, these will be communicated by 4pm on the day via Facebook, Instagram and our Website. (Please consider that ground status is first updated by the councils on their websites by 3pm on weekdays. In instances where the grounds are open at Hirer Discression the Club will then need to assess the condition and safety of the ground before making final call).
Look out on social media for posts on when the club house will be open durring the preseason for uniform sales. Once the season starts you will be able to purchase uniforms.
The registration details can be found here
You can send an email or call the relevant age coordinators/female football coordinator listed under the Committee members page.
Grading will occur around October/November for Division 1 teams in the U12+ age groups, while grading for all other age groups will occur in later January and February. Dates will be advertised on our website and social media platforms.
All players in the U9 age groups and higher are required to grade to be placed into teams based on their ability level. These teams are submitted to Hills Football to be placed into divisions based on our recommendations. Please note: Hills Football will allocate teams into divisions based on the recommendations of all clubs in the competition and the spaces available in each division.
Yes. We offer development team options for the U6, U7 & U8 age groups. Our U6 development team plays in the U7 Bear cubs competition. Our U7 development team plays in a lower division in the U8 travelling competition, while our U8 development teams play in the top 2 divisions in the U8 travelling competition. All interested players will need to grade in our U6, U7 & U8 development squad grading sessions to be eligible.
All players are offered two, one hour grading sessions to be assessed on different aspects of their skill level. These include: First touch, Striking the Ball, Running with the Ball and 1v1 as well as decision making skills. We use previous grading sheets along with the outcomes of these two grading sessions to get a wholistic view of the players at that point in time before placing players into their relevant teams. Once these teams have been allocated, we are unable to make further changes.
Winston Hills Football Club offers a Mini roos program for 3-5 year olds as well as an All Abilities program that runs from the end of April/early May until the end of July. The rest of our players do not have classes but play in a Winter Community Sport competition either internally (U5-U8 age groups) or in a travelling competition (U8 and over).
Winston Hills Football Club offers an internal Bear cubs competition for our U5-U8 age groups. These teams play on a Saturday morning at Max Ruddock Reserve every Saturday morning following a set draw. We also offer a travelling compeition for a select number of U8 teams as well as all teams in the U9s and above age groups.
Our ‘Mixed’ age groups can include players from any gender. This does not refer to mixing ability levels.
Your team’s Coach and Manager should have all the information regarding to your games. For players in our internal Bear cubs competition, you can find the draws for your age groups on our website once they have been posted for the season. For players in our travelling competition, you can follow your team on the Dribl app which will show the time and venue of your upcoming fixtures.
Games will only be cancelled if they are washed out or if the opposition forfeits. In the event of a washout, the club will post information on our social media platforms as soon as we have the information. Our internal Bear cubs Coaches and Managers will be notified by our Committee through their relevant Whatsapp group, while Hills Football will notify the club regarding other grounds for our travelling teams. Dribl will also be updated for those teams. Please note: if there are no updates, games will still go ahead, even if it’s raining.
If your team is short on players, you will need to reach out to your age coordinator as soon as possible so they can help you find players to borrow for your game. In Bear Cubs we ask you to share players between your opposition if necessary so both teams can still play. For U8-U11 travelling teams you can borrow from any division in your age group and those below you. For U12+ teams you can borrow from any division lower than you in both your age group and those in lower age groups (no less than 2 years younger). In the event you need to forfeit, the club will be fined and this fine may be passed onto your team.